Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dubai November 5th-28th

Just a 16 hour flight and we're there!

Benton's new friend and bassinet neighbour.
YAY!! WE MADE IT!!!The Gold Souk After a long search we found the kebab place!! Hooray! Dad's 60th Birthday dinner.
Ski Dubai Gimme that! Hey man! That's MY cracker!

Now that's teamwork!
Wild Wadi :
Uncle Ken doing the Leap of Faith:
Grandpa Ball proves you can teach old dogs new tricks:
Rob does his Leap of Faith:
Diana screams down the Leap of Faith:
Benton & Noah show they`re ready for the Leap as well:
Dubai Xmas 2009:
Looks like Santa came!
Cute little snowmen!!
Benton putting his new teeth to good use.
Ang & Jeff announce they`ve got some exciting NEWS.....
Grandpa Ball trying to hide his emotional side to Ken`s amusement.
My husband ROCKS!

Even Grandpa is caught up in the Band Hero.

Benton's 1st Trip to Whistler

Benton enjoying his OWN room at the Club. :)

Rob enjoying his brew, some food and the fireplace.
MMM taco salads!!

Mommy enjoying her boy and the bubble bath!

Somebody is loving the bubbles!!

Callaghan Valley

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Birth of Benton

Happily working away, clueless as to how this day will unfold.

As Rob is busy painting the inside of the house, I am getting bigger and bigger, to the point Rob says he thinks we should go into the off we go.

Here I am still thinking this is just a routine check up, doing a stress test that will tell the Dr`s Benton is stressed and needs to come into this crazy world.

On the phone to Dubai and everybody else!

Feeling pretty sexy

Rob in the waiting room trying to be cool as I`m getting the spinal epidural, look closely, you can see the fear in his eyes!

Our little bundle of joy, Benton William Akira Pitman

Proud parents.

Look at the size of that foot!